About Travel Master Sweden

Contact: Teresa Svensson
Travel Master Sweden AB Mjölkekilsgatan 6, Box 24 442 66 Marstrand
Phone: +46 303 60013 info@travelmaster.se
Welcome to Travel Master Sweden
Travel Master Sweden is a privately owned agency based in Marstrand, Sweden. We started the operation in November 2000 (in Malmö), and our main objectives are group & conference travel, incentives and team-buildings, but also a small part of VIP and boardmeeting groups. As a "full-service" travel agent we also help our clients with individual business- and sport travel.
Travel Master Sweden is "official supplier" to Hello Sweden (see presentation below).
Teresa Svensson - more than 30 years experience with group & conference travel, individual sports travel and the airline industry.
Travel Master Sweden is a privately owned agency owned by 18 Swedish entrepreneurs, each representing a wide variety within the Swedish business segment.
Travel Master is official supplier to Hello Sweden. Hello Sweden is a unique network of companies that provide support to young Swedish sports talents. With pride, they see how many of the athletes develop and take their place among the world's elite. The love of sport and the honor of being part of the success journey is two major motivators. Another one is the knowledge they gain from the athletes and from each other. When companies from different industries come together, new opportunities for collaboration, development and business opens up. The support from Hello Sweden is shown in its wide variety of sports; from golf, tennis, racing, skiing etc to Parasport (which was added in 2021).